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Privacy Policy
- The Clean Credit Group team is committed to respecting your privacy. If you choose to provide us with personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified), you can be assured that it will only be used to support your customer relationship with us. This statement regarding the privacy of the personally identifiable information you provide online covers five main areas: Awareness, Choice, Accuracy & Access, Security, and Future Developments.
- We provide this Online Privacy Statement to make you aware of our privacy policy and practices and of the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on the bottom of our page.
- By submitting my information, I hereby request and grant my express consent to be contacted by telephone or by email, regarding the services provided by CleanCreditGroup.com, regardless of whether any such contact results in an increase of my monthly telephone service charges. I also accept and intend that my request fall within the applicable state and/or federal definitions of an inquiry, express permission, and/or existing business relationship. CleanCreditGroup.com only collects information that is volunteered during the registration process or in any responses to specific information requests. We do need this information in order to provide services that you request. Examples of the information collected includes: information knowingly provided by you through on-line forms, email addresses, personal financial or demographic information, telephone numbers and addresses. We DO NOT collect your IP address and information through the use of electronic ‘cookies’. We limit the use and collection of information about our customers to that extent which is necessary to administer our business or provide our customers with opportunities we deem relevant.
- The CleanCreditGroup.com team uses your information for the specific purpose for which such information was provided. Specifically, we use your information to communicate back to you, to update and provide information on services and benefits. At a minimum, we will always give you the opportunity to opt out of receiving such direct marketing. You may opt out of our marketing efforts by clicking here. Data collected online may also be combined with information you provide when you enroll with us.
- We will not sell, rent or lease your personally identifiable information to others unless we have your explicit permission or are required by law. We will only share the personal data you provide online with other entities and/or business partners who are acting on our behalf for the uses described above. Such entities and/or business partners, including those in the United States and/or any other countries, are governed by our privacy policies with respect to the use of this data and are bound by the appropriate confidentiality agreements.
- We will not use or share the personally identifiable information provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without first letting you know and offering you a choice. As previously stated, we will also provide you the opportunity to let us know if you do not wish to receive unsolicited direct marketing materials from us and we will do everything we can to honor such requests. Your permission is always secured first, should we ever share your information with third parties that are not acting on our behalf and governed by our privacy policy.
- We strive to keep your personally identifiable information accurate and secure. We do not provide access to your information online. In order to update or correct your information with us it will be necessary for you to contact us directly through the methods listed below. To protect your privacy and security, upon contacting us we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you access or enabling you to make corrections.
- We are committed to ensuring the security of your information. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.
- From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. If our information practices change at some time in the future, we will post the policy changes to our web site to notify you of these changes and provide you with the ability to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our web site periodically. We will only use data collected after a policy has changed for the new purposes. If you have comments or questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.
What we Collect
How we use it
Whom we share it with
Accuracy & Access
Future Developments
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